Old Tree Brewery
Old Tree Brewery are a Brighton Based Kombucha Brewery working to revive the ancient art of fermentation using sustainable methods on a local scale.
It was created to draw attention to the human connection to every stage of production. Ingredients are grown, processed and sold at a small, local scale, enabling this organisation to adapt to their drinks to the local environment and create a sustainable system.
“Closed-loop for us is composting everything and making sure that all of the nutrients involved in the brewing process are going to feed local gardens and hedgerows.”
-Thomas Daniell, Co-Founder of Old Tree Brewery-
Material Meaning
The wood for this piece has been sustainably coppiced from Old Tree’s Forrest garden to create a direct, physical link between how they source ingredients and produce their botanical drinks. I used traditional hand processes to whittle the wood to the desired thickness and shape. The slow and careful act of making reflects the care and time taken by Old Tree throughout their brewing and foraging processes.
What is Kombucha?
Kombucha is a fermented, living tea that acts as a probiotic and a natural digestive to support gut health. Fermentation is an ancient tradition used throughout history to preserve food beyond its natural edible life. This brewing spoon is used to mix tea, raw sugars and locally foraged ingredients to brew a 300 litre tank of Kombucha.