The Brighton Permaculture Trust
The Brighton Permaculture Trust is a charity set up to protect the environment by educating people about the possibilities of greener lifestyles. They run a variety of courses teaching sustainable methods of farming and building.
This educational tool was created for this organisation to use at their courses and volunteer events. It demonstrates a technique for a sustainable farming method which adapts to the landscape rather than exploiting it.
Fran Pickering- Teacher for The Brighton Permaculture Trust
“We are one of the most dangerous forms of activism. By not partaking in the capitalist system of consumption we are heretics to that system. ”
How it works.
The Pegs are used to mark in the along the points where the ground is level to track the contour across the land. This line can be used to dig a channel called a ‘swale’ for rainwater to pool in without running away. The soil along these channels become fruitful and nutrient rich.
Sourcing Low Impact Materials
The wood has been locally sourced from waste materials using a permacultural approach to design. This mimics the constant cycling of nutrients in the natural world by finding a waste output from one stream to create an input for something else. These making processes reflect the sustainable methods use by this organisation to show how low impact food systems can be designed.