Degree Project

Re-connecting to Sustainable Food Systems.

Process, People & Place


Degree Project

For my degree project, I worked collaboratively with various grassroots organisations across Brighton who are paving the way for more sustainable food systems. Each group is working to take back control over their processes, transport, or farming methods at a local scale.

In order to help share these solutions, I created a set of functional objects to help tell each of their stories and draw attention to their various methods. By ‘making’ these pieces by hand I hope to celebrate the way that people are ‘doing’ things by hand within a system geared towards mass production.

Please explore these objects to find out more about how we can engage with food and the environment in more meaningful ways.

The Objects

The Brewing Spoon

Wood-grain Plates

Permaculture A-Frame

mapping local farms


Glaze Development

Mapping the Tools of the Trade.

Brighton has an incredible network of different organisations working to create more sustainable food systems. I started by mapping out the tools and objects that could be used to tell these various stories.

group mapping.jpg

“By better understanding the tangible things in our lives, we better understand our fellow humans.”

— Glen Adamson, Fewer Better Things

wood from Sussex

Finding Material Meaning

The materials have been carefully sourced in different ways to meaningfully connect to each group’s actions.